Eagle Leather's Sado BJ on Hack on Triple J!

When these high tech toys originally came out, there were some security issues with the app which meant some unlucky (or maybe lucky? guess it depends who you ask!) users had their dicks held for ransom by hackers. Here's the story..

"Want to lock your penis in a cage? There's an app for that.

Chastity cages are not super mainstream sex toys, but they are pretty common in the BDSM community.

They largely do what they promise - lock your penis in a cage, to prevent you masturbating, having sex, or even getting a full erection.

Like a lot of other sex toys, they are going online.

The 'Cellmate' does not rely on an old-fashioned padlock and key, but rather uses an electronic key - meaning the wearer can hand control to anyone, anywhere, through an app.

It recently attracted attention after it was revealed hackers were able to gain access to people's devices through the app, and lock them.

They were contacting users, and demanding a ransom of around A$1000 in bitcoin."

Luckily, the company has said they have now added a manual override as extra security to prevent this from occurring again - regardless of who it is locked by, you should be able to get out of your device by contacting Cellmate's customer support and they can then release you. They have also stated that they have increased the security of their app in more recent updates to stop the hackers in their tracks - but we would definitely suggest that users still be aware of the possibility of hacking in this digital age - and use at your own risk.

You can check out the full article here , or listen to the podcast here. (the piece starts at 10m in).

Still keen for one? YOLO! We have the regular size available in store, if you dare. :)
