Flagging Yellow: A Tasty Introduction to Piss Play
- By Brad Unknown
- 27 Apr 2022

Time to turn on the Golden Shower!
It’s not usually something a lot of people talk about because it can be seen as a little…. On the nose. But I’m here to shed some light on the often pushed aside ‘Golden Shower’.
Now, many of you would have had ‘sword fights’ as a kid at school… that could be taken as a form of piss play… you are playing with your piss after all… but that’s not the sort of play we are talking about.
‘Urophilia’, or more commonly known “The Golden Shower” is the act of pissing on a partner in sexual manner.It’s usually seen in the BDSM communities where theres a power exchange between Dom and Sub.
The Dom may give their Sub a golden shower to mark their dominance for instance; piss play can also be found at urinals full hot and horny people.There are even some people who have tried it because they are bored and want to spice things up a little bit. Either way, there are a bunch of people out there who have tried it before and I can assure you that more people like it than will admit it.
So what’s its all about? What’s the draw card to having a golden shower?
Well, if its not for a power exchange, it can actually be a rather intimate and erotic moment between you and your partner. I mean, to be so relaxed in front of someone that you will let go of your bodily fluids to make them happy really is a thing to behold….
Ok, tell me more…
Before I jumped into a golden shower head first, I sat and had a chat with local kink friendly GP and regular Eagle Leather collaborator Dr George Forgan-Smith a.k.a The Healthy Bear about piss health and a few ways we can enjoy it...
First of all, What is our piss usually made up of?
Dr George: Urine is the end result of filtration of our blood at the kidneys. It’s a mix of things like potassium, sodium and uric acid but can also contain medications, illicit substances and sugar in a diabetic if their levels are high. If a person is well hydrated it’s mostly water, if dehydrated it can be quite strong in colour, scent and even taste.
Is it safe?
Dr George: Urine rarely has bacteria in it unless there is an infection in the kidneys, bladder or urinary tract. With all things normal there will be no blood so transmission of things like hepatitis and HIV is very unlikely, however urine could potentially transmit an STI if one is present in the urinary tract.
If a person works in a drug tested industry there is a chance they could be exposed to drugs like methamphetamines leading to a positive drug test if they have been drinking urine. So in a well person drinking piss is essentially safe. If a person suffers gout, the high levels of uric acid in urine could lead to a gout attack.
Are there any long term issues with regular drinks?
Dr George: I don’t think there is likely long term issues with drinking urine however you need to be well hydrated since there are lots of different salts in urine that could lead to dehydration or overload in the person drinking. One way to avoid this is to make sure both people are well hydrated before play.
And lastly, when it comes to flavour, is there anything we can do to alter the taste?
Dr George: Flavour is derived from many things.Dehydration will result in strong flavoured urine. Many food we eat will excrete their flavours via urine. Obvious ones are pineapple and asparagus, but there are many things that can change the flavour.
Ready to give it a go?
After chatting with The Healthy Bear, I figured I would give it a go – and I’m so glad I did! I jumped on the BDSM social media network FetLife and started searching for all the forums I could find. Chatting with a few people to find someone who was not only close enough for me to catch up with but close enough for me to be able to run away if It wasn’t for me.
Introducing “Tom” – 34 years old, kinkiest man I have ever met! (To be fair, I am kinda new to the scene and exploring everything one baby step at a time.)
The conversation was awkward, because that’s who I am, but after a little time and the cover of internet anonymity, we got onto the topic I was there to chat about. Fast forward 10 minutes, and we have arranged to catch up at a local bar for a beer or two and see what happens.

Nervously, I sit at the bar sipping my pint, eagerly awaiting Tom walking in the door. After what seemed like an eternity, Tom gets there and greets me with a hug.He orders a beer and we move to the quieter side of the courtyard to have a chat.
The conversation just flowed with him! I was surprised at his openness about his experiences. I explained to him that I was new to the scene and feel like I’ve missed a lot of experiences, so I was making it my mission to learn something new every month. He fully supported my adventure into my sexual awaking and was excited that he could be the one who introduced me to watersports.
I was starting to get eager to try this golden shower, but wasn’t sure how we would go about it in such an open place, until Tom suggested he “top my beer”. I jumped at this opportunity since we had been there for a few and I knew that by this stage he was well and truly hydrated - The Healthy Bear was sitting on my shoulder reminding me of what we had spoken about!
He got up and took my half empty glass and went to the bathroom, coming back with an extra frothy, topped up pint for me.
There was a mix of excitement and nervousness after he handed the glass to me, but I took a deep breath and had a sip. It was warm and cold at the same time. Sweet and salty but dam was it good!
Tom laughed at my expression and shortly after finishing my topped up pint, he suggested that we head somewhere else for the full experience…
I won’t bore you with the rest of the details of my first piss play encounter because I’m sure you have an imagination and can do the rest… but you know what…? It was amazing!
If you’re keen to give it a go but not sure where to start, there are so many options out there for you.
From social media networks like FetLife and community online community groups, you're bound to find something close by. But if you're not up for some strangers golden shower, then start a conversation with your partner, friend or your mate sitting next to you right now... You’ll be surprised at how common it is!
I once heard of a golden shower likened to that last slice of pizza… You don’t need it, but it sure does satisfy that strange 2am craving.
It’s time to break the seal and take the Golden Shower public!
Blog image photography by Alex Dubois and curated by Carlos Mantilla. Model Karlo
Time to turn on the Golden Shower! written by Brad, an award winning radio creative, writing for Australia and Beyond for the last 10 years.