Frank T. Khani and Sheila Crux Return to Oz to Present Five Workshops!

We're proud to announce the overdue return of Frank T. Khani and Sheila Crux to present five classes in Melbourne sponsored by Eagle Leather! With a refreshingly interesting set of topics these summer classes are sure to be a massive hit.

All of the feedback from attendees of their first Melbourne tour with Eagle Leather in 2015 was absolutely incredible, with many happy participants saying the classes were total game changers! One venue owner who hold regular weekly workshops went as far as to say the Play Fighting class was one of the best classes that he had ever seen presented at his venue.

Don't miss out on a unique opportunity to learn from these two pioneers of rough body play and challenge your comfort zone to learn something new and intriguing in the process.

About Frank and Sheila

Frank is a kinky German self-defense teacher who has been practicing various martial arts since 1984. With Playfighting and Rough Body Play, he has developed his own and unique approach to bring together his passion for martial arts and playful fighting. Austrian Sheila, Franks partner in crime, has a diverse bodywork background – she practices Shiatsu, breath work, dance, martial arts and is a contact communication trainer. She co-organizes the Xplore Vienna Festival and is a restless adventurer with body and soul.

Frank & Sheila have two decades of experience with BDSM under their belt and presented their entertaining and educational hands-on workshops on Playfighting, Rough Body Play Water Wrestling, Dominance and Breath Control all over Europe and in Australia. For more info about Frank and Sheila, check out their website.

For more information about any of the classes, click on the links below!


Date and Time: 12:00pm, Saturday 21st January
Venue: Pulse, Ground Floor, 1 Pitt Street, Brunswick, 3056

Fighting is energetic, dynamic, honest and liberating. Playfighting retains these qualities without the destructive aspects of real fighting – and adds fun and joy. Imagine puppies fighting playfully and you have a good idea of what playfighting is all about. It’s not about winning or losing and going against each other, it’s about frolicking around and having fun with each other. It involves laughing a lot and can be wonderfully wild and deliciously sexy.

Playfighting allows us to feel our strength and our partner’s strength, to feel our physicality in a uniquely exhilarating way. Playfights open up a safe space for us to experience issues, situations and feelings that we might otherwise not look at. In doing so we discover delightful new ways to relate to each other.

In this workshop, Frank and Sheila will create a cosy and friendly atmosphere and give extensive safety guidelines to inspire you to fight playfully and enjoy this exhilarating new way of relating to each other.

This seminar/workshop is limited to 30 people, bookings are required. This workshop will be approximately 3 hours duration.


Date and Time: 4:00pm, Saturday 21st January
Venue: Pulse, Ground Floor, 1 Pitt Street, Brunswick 3056

A very common phenomenon for active players is being the "top on demand", meaning the scene and what happens in the scene is largely determined by the wishes of the passive player/s. There is certainly nothing wrong with fulfilling the desires of our partner/s. Often though, a scene and all players will benefit from the active part leading the game and doing exactly what he or she wants for him/herself.

This leads to questions like: What are our own desires and fantasies as tops? How do we unbury our own wishes? How do we act out our desires and fantasies in a scene; to the benefits of ourselves and our passive partner/s? How to escape the "pressure to perform"? How do we handle breaks, uneasy feelings, lacking compatibility or cluelessness on our part?

While this workshop will give you some practical advices concerning BDSM techniques, the main focus will be on developing playful scenarios together step by step and experimenting with exercises and situations. Everything goes - use the space to leave your comfort zone, try out that scene you have been dreaming about, ravish a victim as a group, be worshipped or be resisted. In a nutshell: Approach the kind of play you want and try out what kind of Top you may desire to be.

This seminar/workshop is limited to 30 people, bookings are required. This workshop will be approximately 3 hours duration.


Date and Time: 5:00pm, Sunday 22nd January
Venue: Pulse, Ground Floor, 1 Pitt Street, Brunswick, 3056

Subjugation scenarios are among the most widespread and elementary erotic fantasies. Yet only few of us act on them and create real-life scenarios where our partner’s playful resistance is overcome in a sensual manner. The primary reason is an uncertainty about how to realise such scenarios safely and consensually.

Overpowering games allow us to experience our own strength and power in a particularly acute way. Despite its obvious physical aspect, Rough Body Play also features a strong psychological component. Rough Body Play is a very direct physical manifestation of BDSM which focuses less on tools and toys and more on direct physical dominance or sylized confrontation between top and bottom. In their unique concept, Frank & Sheila blend elements of martial arts, playful fighting and BDSM and turn them into arts of pleasure and kink.

Topics covered in this workshop will include how to use body language and facial expression, forms of resistance, strong to painful holds and grappling, hair pulling, controlled use of the fist, guiding one’s partner to the ground safely, kicking, the use of “stylistically appropriate” tools during your Rough Body Play sessions.

Frank and Sheila will teach the basic know-how required for safe subjugation games and Rough Body Play, and create a protected safe space in which to experiment with and to experience one’s fantasies.

This workshop is hands-on and there will be plenty of time to experiment and play.

This seminar/workshop is limited to 30 people, bookings are required. This workshop will go for approximately 4-5 hours duration.


Date and Time: 7:00pm, Monday 23rd January
Venue: Pulse, Ground Floor, 1 Pitt Street, Brunswick, 3056

When we play with interrogation, it can of course be all about getting the desired information. But then again, if we don’t go directly for “the secret”, who knows what other interesting things we might discover instead? If you think about it, interrogation play between consenting play partners doesn’t have to be about getting any particular answers at all. It is basically a setting that allows us to experiment and experience – most of all power vs. powerlessness. Wanting to discover the secret is an idea that gives shape to the setting, not a goal we actually have to reach.

So how do we create an interrogation scenario? What topics can we talk about? What types of questions are best suited to making someone feel uneasy? We’ll introduce techniques to build up pressure or to confuse. We will also find out about the physical side of an interrogation scenario: body language, body positions, facial expression, and physical contact. The classical interrogation scenario for us will only be one possibility amongst others.

This seminar/workshop is limited to 30 people, bookings are required. This workshop will be approximately 3 hours duration.


Date and Time: 7:00pm, Tuesday 24th January
Venue: Pulse, Ground Floor, 1 Pitt Street, Brunswick, 3056

While holding forms an integral part of many physical interactions, and while it can, by itself, generate intense emotions and sensations, it is rarely investigated on its own merit. Many people are simply not aware of the special skills involved in holding a partner in such a way that generates an enjoyable experience. But in the same way that a kiss is not a kiss, a hug is not a hug. And often we do not actually feel safely held, even though that is what we long for.

In their workshop Frank & Sheila will focus on the flexible, measured exchange and the experience of strength. Sometimes we are not even aware of the fact that our partner would like to feel our strength. But anyway, how much strength feels right? We will find that it is not only important how to hold someone but also whether the way we are holding them meets their needs and wishes in a particular moment. As well as with “normal” hugs we will experiment with different other ways of holding someone. We will be looking at the entire spectrum from the caring, protective embrace to playful martial grappling where we can test the limits of our strength.

The workshop draws inspiration from play fighting as well as from martial arts.

This seminar/workshop is limited to 30 people, bookings are required. This workshop will be approximately 3 hours duration.
