Get ready for Australia's rubber festival: Slick returns to Melbourne in September!

Melbourne Rubber are very excited to release the Slick event calendar for 2021. They are looking forward to bringing all you rubber enthusiasts together post COVID!

In a huge announcement, and in conjunction with the amazing team at The Laird, all events at Slick will be gender INCLUSIVE!

Eagle Leather is a proud founding sponsor of Melbourne Rubber.  You can check out the full run down of events below - we look forward to seeing you there!

Welcome Drinks and Trivial Hirsuite

Wednesday 8th September 2021 @ The Laird (gender inclusive!)

We begin Slick Week off with a social gathering of rubberists, enthusiasts & supporters in the historic Nugget Bar at The Laird and afterwards we move across to the back bar for Dean Arcuri’s famous Trivial Hirsute (like Trivial Pursuit, only shinier).

Newbie Meet & Greet

Thursday 9th September 2021 @ The Laird (gender inclusive!)

Melbourne Rubber are putting on a Meet and Greet for all newbies to Melbourne, Slick and Rubber. If you want to, you can wear your newbie wristband to all Slick Week events. This will allow the Slick Crew to keep an eye on you if needed, or for more experienced community members to introduce themselves.

Hosted by former MRM winners and local rubber community leaders. You can mingle with fellow newcomers as we assist you on your rubber journey during Slick with drinks at the bar and free pizza provided by Melbourne Rubber.

Maxim Gloss

Thursday 9th September 2021 @ The Laird (gender inclusive!)

Maximum Gloss is a totally new event for Slick Week, where rubberists of all genders can roam the Laird Hotel and meet the constants for the Melbourne Rubberman 2021.

Laird Leatherman 2018 Kevan Walsh will host the festivities and introduce the contestants. This will also determine the running order for MRM21 during the competition itself. The event will be interpreted by Auslan Interpreter and local rubberist Matthew Watts.

After the introductions, we kick on the night deep beats and kinky demonstrations throughout the night for endless shiny fun.

Please note there is a strict dress code for the event. Suggested dress includes Latex, Neoprene, Leather, Uniform (no swastikas or police badges), Fantasy & Fetish.  Strictly no casual clothing, denim or streetwear.


Melbourne Rubberman Contest

Friday 10th September 2021 @ The Laird (gender inclusive!)

The night of all nights hosted by former winners Liam Clark (MRM16) & John Cheshire (MRM17). Interpreted by Auslan Interpreter and former contestant Matthew Watts.

Come join one of the highlights of Slick Week. Where we laugh, cheer, and come together as a community to sash our new Melbourne Rubberman!


Slick Con

Saturday 11th September 2021 @ The Laird (gender inclusive!)

Slick Con is a brand new event the Slick Crew is putting together!

It is a chilled Saturday afternoon of live entertainment, interviews, boutique rubber stalls, rubber raffles and food.

Main Stage Events - Hosted By Frock Hudson:
  • • Introduction of the new MRM21
  • • Rubber Raffles
  • • Rubber Pet Show
  • • Kinky Q and A

Tickets for this event will be released on June 1st. Please note, Eagle Leather is not selling tickets for this event. You can find out more info about it on Slick's Facebook page.

Late-xxx Party

Saturday 11th September 2021 @ The Laird (gender inclusive!)

Watch this space!  To make sure you don't miss out, sign up to our newsletter.
