Interview with the Melbourne Rubberman titleholders!

With the next Melbourne Rubberman contest just around the corner, we took the opportunity to sit down with Melbourne’s four previous “Melbourne Rubberman” contest winners – Liam Clark (Melbourne Rubberman 2016), John Cheshire (Melbourne Rubberman 2017), Matt Shepherd (Melbourne Rubberman 2018) and Jason Pearce (Melbourne Rubberman 2019).

Liam, John and Matt have also competed on the global scale at Mr International Rubber, a Chicago-based contest that normally runs every November but was cancelled last year due to the pandemic. Not only did they compete, but they all came runner up in their respective years! How amazing is that?! Melbourne has got so much talent!

Ahead of SLICK 2021, we wanted to ask these four amazing sasholders about their expert rubber tips, tricks, fantasies and what their favourite things are about latex!

Why do you like wearing rubber?

LC: I’ve always been turned on by rubber - so being entirely surrounded by it, is of course going to be wonderful! Beyond that, I don’t normally find myself that attractive, but in rubber? Hot damn you can’t tell me otherwise!

JP: The look, it’s an amazing material and looks bloody sexy on any body shape… Of course, the feeling of full coverage is amazing too, the way it glides on.

MS: It’s the feel, the tightness, the shine and the way it amplifies my body shape… But most importantly the confidence it gives me and the amazing community that surrounds it.

JC: I love that latex makes me feel like an extra version of myself. I feel totally me. I feel sexy, attractive, shiny, confident - almost super-human. It is a real turn on too, of course. Yes it is that good!

What does wearing rubber feel like?

LC: I think John Cheshire describes the physical sensations better than I can, but in terms of how it makes me feel - it makes me feel sexy and powerful and a little bit dangerous. It gives me a nice break from being my normal, dorky self.

JP: I’m a very tactile person and the touch and heightened senses are just bliss.

MS: Like a big tight hug… who doesn't like hugs?

JC: It’s like being hugged tightly over your entire body by the sexiest, most sensual fabric imaginable. The rubber magnifies touch, so when someone touches you - or you touch yourself - you feel every sensation through the rubber intensely.

How do you feel when you are out and about in rubber?

LC: Like I’m a different person, a more confident, more shocking person. I just feel elevated and it’s kinda wonderful. That being said, I’m also partially terrified of a blowout and always on the look-out for a drunk straight girl who wants to slap my butt (which I HATE!).

JP: Empowered, confident, sexy! It is a good conversation starter with people who are curious!

MS: When wearing rubber I feel amazing!! Confident!! And sexy!! Who could ask for anything more?

JC: I walk around with a big smile on my face, enjoying the sensation on my skin, knowing that I’m radiating my inner shine out to everyone around me. I love catching the light and reflecting it on my latex. I know it is magnetic for people - it draws them to want to touch you (which, with consent, is a beautiful thing).

Tell us about your favourite rubber moment.

LC: I think it would have to be the first time I went out in it. It was back in 2014 in a small rubber party in Warsaw, Poland. That night was the first time I ever explored the world of rubber outside my bedroom. That and of course, competing for MIR back in 2016!

JP: That’s a tuff question, probably my first open public rubber at Sydney MG. It really gave me the confidence to grow and be proud of my love for rubber. (Even though I got dehydrated that day, drink water people when you are in latex!)

MS: For me, this was standing on the world stage representing “Melbourne Rubber” for Mister International Rubber 23. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought something like this would ever happen, nor would I have the confidence to do such a thing. Knowing I had an amazing community that backed and supported this experience made it all worthwhile, something I'm forever grateful for and will never forget.

JC: So many happy moments in rubber to choose from. I was going to say MIR too, but Matt said it. So I’ll say it was when I bought my first latex jeans and top from Reactor Rubber in Sydney. I’d driven up for Easter and had looked at this gear online before I went. I went to the shop on Thursday afternoon, tried on these jeans and tank top (military style, with epaulettes). I bought them on the spot and then wore them for the next three nights when I went out - I didn’t want to take them off. I walked around Sydney and felt fan-fucking-tastic!

How can you incorporate rubber into a scene?

LC: Well, by wearing it! Access zips are there for a reason, so for me, there’s almost no scene I’m gonna be involved in where I’m not going to be wearing rubber.

JP: Sooo many ways, rubber is very versatile (unlike me LOL)! From gimps to sports wear and bondage to pups, rubber can transform any scene.

JC: Like Liam said, you can just wear it and enjoy each other’s bodies. Rubber bondage is a lot of fun too. Struggling against bonds is always good, but struggling in rubber is really good!!

What is your favourite rubber piece, and why?

LC: I can’t narrow it down entirely, but I’ve got some cool jackets - one a varsity style jacket and one a motorbike style jacket made from rubber that I adore. Beyond that - I don’t think you can beat a catsuit.

MS: My Fuchsia Pink and Metallic Blue trim tracksuit... It's fun, bright and holds a lot of sentimental value from my time at MIR23 (Hey Siri…)

JC: My favourite is my Demask biker jacket with studs on the back of the shoulders. Being a biker jacket, it goes with anything, including a pair of non-latex jeans and a tee shirt. But with latex jeans and shirt, it tops off an outfit perfectly. I love the image I project in this jacket. I love it so much that I’ve worn out one jacket completely and replaced it exactly with a second one!!

How does chlorinated rubber feel? Do you recommend chlorination?

LC: The chlorination seals the pores of the rubber, making it much easier to get on, and for the most part not requiring any lubrication. For me, I don’t like it on me that much since my fetish for rubber is as much about the full range of sensations of the gear, but if you like the look more than anything else, totally go for it!

JP: It more feels like lycra, easy to slide on. But a bitch to repair. So I personally prefer the shininess on standard latex.

JC: It’s extra smooth so it slides on really easily. That’s the big attraction. But personally, I’m quite partial to getting lubed up and slipping into my lubey latex. I also don’t think it holds a shine as well and is hard to repair, so I don’t go for it.

What's the rubber scene like in Melbourne?

LC: Young, bristling, expanding rapidly. I remember back in the day, there would be only three or so of us in rubber at The Laird on a Thursday, now it can sometimes be more than half! I think we have the best weather for it in the country, as well as having some wonderful institutions like Eagle Leather and The Laird to help us stay strong.

JP: Ever evolving! Before the scene was quiet and sleepy, but now with the support of many and Eagle Leather the scene is growing, evolving and more inclusive than ever.

MS: We have a strong diverse and inclusive community that is continuously growing and evolving. The only way is up!!

JC: We have the most amazing rubber scene. The people are fun, intelligent, sexy and out there. I’m pansexual and go to all sorts of events and there are always rubberists everywhere at events. Our Melbourne Rubber social group is active and committed to promoting rubber for everyone (yes, we’re truly diverse).

How do you store your rubber?

LC: I clean and wash it with some LUX Shine, and then hang it up on a non-sharp hanger in my cupboard. If I’m intending to not wear it for a while, I use talc instead of the shine and put it in a zip lock bag.

JP: Timber coat hanger & zip lock bag in a cool dark area, all lubed up and ready to wear!

MS: Black plastic coat hangers and zip-lock bags for some of the smaller delicate items and accessories.

JC: I have a mixture of stuff hanging on plastic hangers (because I wear it a lot) and stuff hanging on proper ‘coat’ hangers inside suit bags (suit coats), gear in zip lock bags stacked on shelves (smaller items), and bondage gear on shelves in the dungeon.

How do you polish your rubber?

LC: With LUX Shine when it needs a good shine, and then the LUX Spray for a touch up here and there. I apply either with my hands or a synthetic chamois.

JP: With the ever amazing local product LUX - a light spray and voila!

MS: LUX got me covered!

JC: As above. Yep, LUX, our Melbourne based latex shiner, is a world class winner.

How do you protect your rubber from damage?

LC: I think staying aware of your environment is important - avoid sharp edges, unfinished wooden surfaces and pointy metal things. Also, if you need to pick something up and you’re wearing a one piece, crouch with your knees to avoid weakening the rubber in your lower back.

JP: Regular cleans and shines, plus correct storage. We don't want mold! And always check before wearing, because a small hole is easier than a big one to fix.

MS: If you have transparent or coloured rubber in your collection, make sure to keep them separate when storing (not touching other rubber, metal buckles and metal press studs). Some colours can bleed into others and some metals can stain your gear. It’s best to store these delicate items in zip-lock bags to keep them looking fresh and stain free.

JC: Trimmed and filed fingernails always. Watch out for sharp anything, including other people who want to hug you. When you’ve been in your rubber for many hours, remember that sweat makes the latex wet, and wet latex is more likely to tear than dry latex. So even though it is hard to do, try to be careful in the wee hours. Dry pockets properly before you put anything away. Some LUX in the final rinse for a shine when your gear is dry.

How can you find someone who’s into latex?

LC: Follow the trail of silicone lubricant…

JP: Many places, Melbourne Rubber Facebook Group or any of the fetish apps or websites.

MS: Socials, Apps, Venues and of course… the Melbourne Rubber Facebook group :)

JC: As above and going out in your latex - you’ll be amazed who approaches you.

What's it like entering a title contest?

LC: It’s a fun, crazy, silly adventure! I’ve always had a love of pageants, but never dreamed I’d ever get to be in one. It was just such a blur, but an absolute hoot!

JP: Nerve racking, but if fun, I enjoyed the ride and the support you receive from your fellow contestants which is just humbling.

MS: Scary, exciting, fun but overall rewarding!! Absolutely no regrets.

JC: It’s a wild ride! You can’t not be invested in the contest, but you have to remember that you’re in it for the fun, not the title. You meet wonderful people who stay with you long after the comp is over.

Why did you want to enter the Melbourne Rubberman contest, and how has becoming a titleholder changed you?

LC: Well, beyond the aforementioned desire to be in a pageant - back in 2016 I felt that there was never any representation on any gay media, at least in The Laird, that showed someone who looked like me. It was always a bigger is better kinda thing - be it muscles or bears, and always hairy. So I wanted to get up there and show that lanky, hairless, scrawny fetish nerds are welcome in the place. Of course, things have indeed changed now, so I guess it worked? In terms of how I changed? Before the contest I was very peripheral in the community. I was that nerdy guy who liked Eurovision who was never in the spotlight, so it taught me to be a lot more outgoing. I also feel like I got to create and help continue some really great stuff, so I’m very proud of it all.

MS: To be honest, I really wanted to enter but had a lot of self doubt and definitely lacked the confidence to even consider it. It took a lot of encouragement from others to enter the competition, but in the end I took the plunge and was very glad that I did. Being a title holder has definitely changed me for the better. It taught me a lot about myself, how to represent our community and definitely helped with my confidence issues. I am very proud to be Melbourne Rubberman 2018 and have absolutely no regrets.

JC: I wanted to enter because I absolutely love latex and thought I had something to offer. When I won, I felt a responsibility to give back to the community - which I felt privileged to be able to do. I got to raise money for Rainbow Railroad (a charity that supports LGBTIQ people who are at risk of torture, imprisonment or death in their home countries and relocates them to safe countries). That was amazing. I suddenly felt like a rubber ambassador, representing my love of latex everywhere I went, encouraging people to be their shiny selves, converting newcomers to my passion. I made lots of friends. I helped build our rubber community - what an honour!

Where would you like to see the rubber scene in Melbourne in 2030?

LC: I would like to see more. I’d love for there to just be more of everything. More things where we all come together, more things for those who just want a play party, more things for queers only and girls only and straight people only if they want that too. Just more of every kind of option. I don’t think every event should have to be available for every single person, but I think there should be events specifically for each kind or group of people. I think we’re definitely on the right track. More is more!

MS: Rubber on Mars? Haha!!

JC: I’m looking forward to the next generation of latex suits that bring all those futuristic fantasies to reality. What I really want is for people to no longer feel any shame about their fetish - I want us all to be empowered to be ourselves, whoever that may be. I want no more slut shaming or kink shaming. Oh, and I want to see more latex everywhere. Everyone looks good in latex!

What's your top rubber tip for a newbie?

LC: Get a friend who you don’t mind seeing you naked to help you take your measurements. Most bodies are weirdly shaped and chances are you’re going to need something custom at some point. Know your measurements, and then you can order with confidence!

MS: Being a larger build, it took me a long time to find outfits that worked for my body shape and size… Getting an understanding of what's going to work for you from the very beginning can save you a lot of time and money on regretful purchases. Reach out to people with a similar size to yourself, look at their socials for ideas, try things on before you buy.

JC: Start small with something simple: maybe gloves or shorts. And know that you are not alone - there’s a world of latex lovers out there all waiting to meet you.

And finally, answer us the burning question that’s older than the beginning of time: Leather and Rubber, worn together in one ensemble. Anything goes, or the ultimate faux pas?

LC: Tradition is just peer pressure from the past - it’s your gear and it’s entirely up to you to decide how you want to wear it. So if it makes you feel good, then screw what anyone else thinks!

MS: If it looks good.. do it :)

JC: Wear whatever makes you feel good! (Moreover, it can get rather chilly in Melbourne, so you sometimes need a little leather to keep you warm when out and about - and I’m not the woolly jumper type.)

Big thanks to the Melbourne Rubberman titleholders for this amazing information and insight! Don’t miss the Melbourne Rubberman Contest later in 2021 where we sash Melbourne’s next titleholder!

Photo by Dean Arcuri.
