Rogan Richards wears Eagle Leather

It's been just over a year since Rogan approached us and asked us to sponsor him and we didn't hesitate for a second.

Check out this incredible video from our favourite poster boy Rogan Richards!

It's been just over a year since Rogan approached us and asked us to sponsor him and we didn't hesitate for a second. Since we joined forces, he's worn our gear in a bunch of performance pieces, photo shoots, porn films and sex shows across the globe and we've made some beautiful magic together too.

#ROGANRICHARDSWEARSEAGLELEATHER is a brand new short film that Rogan put together displaying some of our favourite gear on his impressive body..

We are so thankful to him for his continuing support and for keeping our site dripping with sexy imagery.

Additional thanks to Damien Hinds, Dingo and Skippy Baxter for helping Rogan out with the film!

Enjoy guys :)
BJ x
